Aloe and Cal is 99% finished! - Updated Demo

Hello all,

I am happy to announce that Aloe and Cal is 99% complete. In fact, a playable version is on the desktop of my computer ready to go.  Why do I not release it if it's finished? Well, I would like to give it another once over and perhaps do a few UI edits here and there. However, as it stands, Aloe and Cal is playable from start to finish.

Enjoy the updated demo. While the content is pretty much the same as the previous one, all of the character art is updated and you get to see 2 CGs. A gallery is also present and ready to be used to view CGs once you have seen them in the game.

For everyone who has followed me since the start, I thank you. I hope you look forward to the full release of Aloe and Cal. I expect to release it in December 2019.

For now, I'm going off to Japan for vacation. It's time to get some rest and relaxation in!


Here are some stats about Aloe and Cal:

Day project started: July 13, 2015

Number of choices: 2965 (Each of these choices having unique dialogue or leading to different events taking place)

Number of CGs: Close to 150!

Number of food/drink referenced: 446

Number of characters (including the player): 8

Number of in-game days written: 274